Sunday, January 3, 2010

Megapixels in 2010.....

Just the same that I know people interested in Megapixels, I know several people that are somewhat large into the whole "New years Resolution" thingy. One person I know actually frames her resolutions and hangs them on her office wall. I give her a lot of credit because that's one heckuva way to keep these things on the front and center. She makes sure that she crosses them off. I think a whole bunch up, but don't always push all the way through them, which I suppose defeats the point completely. can you make a resolution to actually finish your resolutions? Things like aluminum foil balls, lost marbles, pretty ladies, and pretty much anything that flashes tend to get in the way with mine. This year though I've pretty much decided on a few that are a lot more professional related than personal, and considering I'm as nuts about photography as I am; I think that's for the better.

(Nikon D3, 200ISO, Nikon 18-35mmF3.5-4.5@18mm. 1/60th@F11. Single Nikon SB-900 to camera left inside of a 15" softbox set to TTL +/-0. Single Nikon SB-900 speedlight set on a table about 20 feet back inside the chamber cutting across Andy and the background. Both Speedlights were fired by an SU-800 Commander unit, attached to the camera using an SC-28 off camera cable.)

Speaking of things that flash, I was on vacation last week and where as most people try to get away from their jobs and do random vacation things I actually had a few shoots lined up. These shoots though were to go with part of a resolution for 2010 that I have. That resolution is to be much more proactive in my photography by shooting more challenging things for myself. That shot is of my buddy Andy, embodying an important part of his profession. Andy is a Radio Frequency Test engineer, and the cones behind him are Radio Wave Absorbing material. Cool place. I can't really say much more about it, but trust me. COOL.

(Nikon D3, 800ISO, Nikon 70-200F2.8VR@105mm. 1/2sec@F4. The camera was mounted to a Bogen Manfrotto Tripod with a Manfrotto 405 Geared Head. Single SB-900 Speedlight set to 1/16th power shot through a 42" umbrella fired by pocket wizard on the end of a 8 foot paint pole held by Andy the RF engineer.)

That's Mike, he's been wanting to be a cop since he we were knee nibblers. I'll never forget helping his neighbor who became part of the police force practicing his vehicle stops and home invasion stuff on us with other guys on the force. Some of those guys were nuts, and I don't want to relive some of the things I'd seen them try. Finally he did it though, and is now a lawman. He was kind enough to take 10 minutes out of his schedule so that I could snap a couple shots of him. Opted for the slightly more moody lighting because cops are tough. They can take it.

(Nikon D3, 400ISO, Nikon 18-35mmF3.5-4.5@18mm. 1/20th@F5. Single Snooted Nikon SB-900 zoomed to 200mm with the included Warming Gel set to TTL -2EV, fired by SU-800 Commander Unit attached to the camera hot shoe. Single SB-900 Speedlight set to 1/32nd power zoomed to 50mm fired by Pocket wiard into the back of the tanning bed to illuminate the Ultrasun in the top left of the frame. Camera white balance set to Custom 4000 Kelvin to accentuate the blue given off by the logo lights of the tanning beds giving the frame the Ultra blue background, while using the SB-900 to draw attention to Brad with the warming gel.)

Making people look their best though is Brad's Job. Brad is the General Manager for a company that I do work for regularly, and they manufacture tanning beds. They spend bunches of money every year towards making tanning safer, as well as for longer lasting effects. They are one of the top tanning bed companies in the world. Brad's normally not the person being photographed for me, he's usually the one holding a light, finding a vending machine, or carrying something heavy for me. This shoot was particularly important to me for that reason. He's always been a big help to me, and is always willing to help in anything. When I said I wanted to try a few things out, but I needed a subject, he was the first to volunteer.

As I said, for 2010 one of my resolutions is to be more proactive with my photography with more challenging self assigned shoots. These three buddies of mine were very gracious to lend me their time so that I could further myself photographically. I may continue this series as well, I haven't decided; but I like how it has started. As for other New Years Resolutions, there are plenty of things I'd like to accomplish this year. We'll see what happens. Maybe I should take a page out of my friend's book and hang the resolutions on the wall so they can haunt me until finished. Or maybe I should just stay close to her to see what else she can teach me. Either way, I look forward to what 2010 has to bring for all of us. More Soon.

1 comment:

  1. Always my pleasure to assist you in any way that I can Marc. Great post and glad I could be apart of it.
