Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Out and About...

Been kind of missing from the blogsphere lately. Not on purpose, but sometimes things just get in the way. A lot of very eclectic events have been strung together lately, but at the same time it's just that eclectic nature of this profession that I truely enjoy. While as normally I do like going on location to shoot things, I've been doing a lot of on location event stuff. The event stuff can pose a different challenge that takes a shooter back to shooting things in the beginning. You don't have a lot of control, you can't light something, things get in the way, and there's nothing you can do about it but hope that you're fast enough to catch what's happening; and that your camera functions like it's supposed to.

That's a shot from Howl at the Moon in Downtown Indianapolis recently. I love the colors in stage, or performance venues. It's a tough thing to recreate outside of an environment like that. I like using my color gels just like any other photographer, but a lot of times it's just not the same. That all the same not everyone takes the flashy approach to presentation. A good example of that would be this:

That was the Vagina Monologues as performed in the Unitarian Universalist Church of Indianapolis. Someone associated with Roller Derby was a part of the program, which is how I got involved. They didn't have a lot of flashy lights, but they had a relatively nifty venue. The room wasn't large, there were probably about 50 people in there I would guess, and the ladies really did put on quite a powerful performance. I had no idea what I was getting into when I walked into the room, but luckily having done so much work for a Women's Sports team, I wasn't too surprised by what came next.

I've shot a few other strange things recently as well, including the Jefferson Awards banquet earlier today, right before playing dodgeball with baseball's that were ricocheting off of a brick wall......among other things. When that' video is done I'll be sure to post it. Lets just say some things are more resilient to baseballs than you can imagine. One thing that isn't as hard to predict though, is the fact that no matter what venue I go to for an event, no matter how nice it is I always manage to find the one piece of gum on the floor to sit on, kneel on, or step on in the whole place. More Soon.

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